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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Tournament Costs

 Age Division Max Roster Size Team Registration Fee  Referee Deposit
 10U 11 $330 $150
 12U 14 $420 $150
 14U 18 $540 $150
 16U 22 $660 $150
 19U 22 $660 $150


Regional Commissioners- How to Register a team for Section Games

Getting your team ready to register

1. The first step is to ensure that the team you would like to register has been submitted to the association platform. To do this go to your teams menu:manage teams on your regional website, find the program, division, and team. If the team has been submitted you will have a button to the right that says team status, if you have not there will be a button that says submit, hit it to send the team to the association platform. 
2. Now that your team is submitted to the association platform, it must be activated.Go to the Association Platform by hitting the Go to AYSO button under your account dropdown. On your regional dashboard go to the teams menu on the bottom left and click on the Inactive teams to view details. Search the list for the team you are looking for and click to select the team. Once the team menu pops up click on the ready for activatation tab. If all requirements are met properly you will get a green check. If a coach does not meet requirements or player does not meet age requirements for the division you will get a red X and not be able to activate. Please resolve the issues and then you can activate. If green, hit the Activate team button and now your team is ready to register for section games. 

Team Names

In order to be able to easily enter scores and find the team we are looking for in the sportsmanship standings we ask that you use a standard naming convention for naming your teams for section games

Area-Region-Division-Coach Last Name(example below)

Registering your teams

1. In the association platform in the top menu is a teams drop down. In this drop down select Declare Multi Teams. 
2. In the Tournament and League Drop down Select Section 5 Games 2024. **Please double check which tournament you are signing up for**
3. Under Registration League choose your Area. 
4. Hit Start Application to move to next screen
5. Select your region in Select a Club and hit search to being up your teams
6. Check the teams you want to register and hit the apply teams button to move to next screen. 
7. Verify the right teams are in and hit submit applications

Next Steps

Once your team is accepted, you will get an email that the team has been accepted, pending payment and you will go in to pay the team fee and referee deposit fee required. FInal acceptance is pending payment. 

Referee Sign-up

Referee Form

Soccerfest Sign Up

Register Now for Soccerfest! 

Contact Us

American Youth Soccer Organization

P O Box 393 
Huntingdon, Tennessee 38344

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 818-624-8491